Jan 21

Saint Juan Yi Yun-il

January 21st XIX century Mártir Padre

In the village of Daegu, in Korea, saint Juan Yi Yun-il, martyr, who, being father, peasaintt and Catechist, had to endure scourging, and dislocation of all its members, staying constant in the Christian faith, who it reached cheerfully martyrdom to be beheaded. It was the latest victim of the great persecution in this nation.
Juan (Masculino)
People named Juan use to celebrate 24-Jun:
Saint John the Baptist, nativity
Other saints
Other saints named Juan
January 21st 1867 in Daegu, in current Korea, republic of
January 21st
In the village of Daegu, in Korea, saint Juan Yi Yun-il, martyr, who, being father, peasaintt and Catechist, had to endure scourging, and dislocation of all its members, staying constant in the Christian faith, who it reached cheerfully martyrdom to be beheaded. It was the latest victim of the great persecution in this nation (1867). Roman martyrology