Dec 04

Saint John of Damascus

December 4th VIII century

Born in Damascus in the year 675, renounced the wealthy life that he had provided by the political position of his father and entered the Sabas Monastery. From there he would go to Jerusalem church of the Holy Sepulchre. In both places, he stood out for his intense literary activity, who could be compared with Saint Isidore of Seville in the West. Highly noted in the iconoclastic complaint, one of the times that it was attempted to eliminate the Christian iconography, with a defense of the traditional cult explaining the true nature of the tribute that surrendered them to the images that came to all the known world. The Church remembers him December 4, although in many places remains the traditional date of feasting on March 27th.
Juan (Masculino)
People named Juan use to celebrate 24-Jun:
Saint John the Baptist, nativity
Other saints
Other saints named Juan
en Damasco, in current Syrian arab republic
in Jerusalén, in current Israel
December 4th
Saint Juan Damasceno, priest and doctor of the Church, celebrated by his Holiness and his doctrine, who fought courageously for the Word and wrote against the Emperor Leo the Isaurian to defend the cult of sacred images and made monk in the laura of St. Sabas near Jerusalem, composed sacred hymns and died there. His body was buried on this day to the year 750. Roman martyrology