Saints of the 21 of october
Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena
In Belencito, near Medellin, in Colombia, blessed Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena Montoya and Upegui, a virgin, who with notable success, was devoted to announce the Gospel among the indigenous peoples who were still unaware of the faith in Christ and founded the Congregation of the Mission Sisters.
Saint Ursula and companions
In the city of Cologne, in Germany, commemoration of the Holy Virgins who gave their life for Christ, in the place of the city where then stood a basilica dedicated to St. Ursula, Virgin innocent, considered as the head group (s. c. IV).
- Saint Bertold of Parma
- Saint Cilina of Laon
- Saint Hilarión anacoreta
- Saint Juan Thwing of Bridlington
- Saint Malco monje
- Saint Mauronto of Marsella
- Saint Pedro Yu Tae-ch’l
- Saint Severino of Burdeos
- Saint Vendelino of Tréveris
- Saint Viator of Lyon
- Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrame
- Blessed Pietro Capucci