Oct 21

Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena

October 21st XX century Fundadora

Laura (Femenino)
Merecedora de gloria, from Latín
Other saints
Other saints named Laura
Secular name
Laura de Santa Catalina de Siena Montoya y Upeguí
May 26th 1874 en Jericó, Antioquia, in current Colombia
October 21st 1949 in Medellín, in current Colombia
  • Madevenerable el January 22nd 1991 por Blessed John Paul II
  • Beatifiedel April 25th 2004 por Blessed John Paul II
  • Canonized on May 12th 2013 by Francis
October 21st
of las Misioneras de María Inmaculada y Santa Catalina de Siena
Picture of Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena Fuente: wikimedia.org
In Belencito, near Medellin, in Colombia, blessed Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena Montoya and Upegui, a virgin, who with notable success, was devoted to announce the Gospel among the indigenous peoples who were still unaware of the faith in Christ and founded the Congregation of the Mission Sisters. Roman martyrology