Santos del siglo IX

List of saints
Celebration Name Saint
August 14th Alfredo Saint Alfred of Hildeseheim
June 14th Anastasio Saint Anastasius of Cordoba
July 19th Áurea Saint Áurea of Córdoba
June 15th Benilde Saint Benilde of Córdoba
February 14th Cyril Saint Cyril of Thessalonica
June 14th Digna Saint Digna of Cordoba
November 20th Edmundo Saint Edmund King
January 9th Eulogio Saint Eulogius of Córdoba
June 13th Fandila Saint Fandila of Córdoba
July 18th Federico Saint Frederick of Utrecht
June 14th Félix Saint Felix of Córdoba
November 24th Flora Saint Flora of Córdoba
May 28th Guillermo Saint William of Gellone
June 7th Isaac Saint Isaac of Córdoba
January 9th Lucrecia Saint Lucrecia of Córdoba
November 24th María Saint Mary of Cordoba
February 14th Metodio Saint Methodius of Thessaloniki
July 27th Natalia Saint Natalia of Cordoba
February 3rd Oscar Saint Ansgar of Bremen
April 18th Perfecto Saint Perfectus
April 28th Prudencio Saint Prudencio de Tarazona
December 15th Urbicio Saint Urbicius
July 8th Abrahamitas Saints monjes abrahamitas
July 11th Abundio Saint Abundio of Córdoba
January 2nd Adalard Saint Adalard
December 16th Ado Saint Ado
July 8th Adrian Saint Adrian III pope
January 7th Alderic Saint Alderic
June 6th Alexander Saint Alexander of Fiesole
October 22nd Alodia Saint Alodia of Huesca
August 15th Altfrid Saint Altfrid of Hildesheim
February 18th Angilbert Saint Angilbert abbot
March 3rd Anselm Saint Anselm of Nonántola
March 13th Ansovinus Saint Ansovinus
February 14th Antoninus Saint Antoninus
March 7th Ardon Saint Ardon Smaragdus
June 28th Argimiro Saint Argimiro of Cordoba
April 18th Atanasia Saint Atanasia
July 15th Athanasius Saint Athanasius of Naples
October 4th Aurea Saint Aurea of París
January 22nd Barnard Saint Bernard
February 19th Beatus Saint Beatus of Liébana
April 10th Beda Saint Beda the young
February 12th Benedict Saint Benedict of Aniano
October 23rd Benedict Saint Benedict of Herbauge
October 22nd Benedict Saint Benedict of Massérac
August 20th Christopher Saint Christopher of Córdoba
September 17th Columba Saint Columba of Córdoba
January 5th Convoyon Saint Convoyon
October 9th Deusdedit Saint Deusdeditus of Montecasino
October 22nd Duns Saint Duns Scotus
March 13th Eldrad Saint Eldrad
August 8th Emilian Saint Emilian of Cízico
January 9th Eustracio Saint Eustracio taumaturgo
December 26th Eutimio Saint Eutimio
December 16th Everardo Saint Everardo
November 15th Fintano Saint Fintano of Rheinau
November 17th Florino Saint Florino of Rëmus
December 14th Folcuino Saint Folcuino
September 4th Fredaldo Saint Fredaldo of Mende
October 16th Gauderico Saint Gauderico of Mirepoix
June 24th Goardo Saint Goardo of Nantes
February 13th Gosberto Saint Gosberto
June 6th Hilarión Saint Hilarión of Constantinopla
September 27th Hiltrudis Saint Hiltrudis of Liesse
March 8th Humfrido Saint Humfrido
December 22nd Hungero Saint Hungero
September 4th Ida Saint Ida of Herzfeld
August 17th Ierón Saint Ierón of Frisia
October 23rd Ignacio Saint Ignacio of Constantinopla
March 21st Jacobo Saint Jacobo el Confesor
October 5th Jerónimo Saint Jerónimo of Nevers
April 19th Jorge Saint Jorge of Antioquía
April 7th Jorge Saint Jorge of Lesbos
November 9th Jorge Saint Jorge of Lodève
February 19th Jorge Saint Jorge of Vabres
April 3rd José Saint José Himnógrafo
July 15th José Saint José of Tesalónica
April 18th Juan Saint Juan Isauro
April 27th Juan Saint Juan of Afusia
August 27th Juan Saint Juan of Pavía
December 4th Juan Saint Juan Taumaturgo
November 3rd Juanicio Saint Juanicio of Antidio
July 17th Kenelmo Saint Kenelmo
March 15th Leocricia Saint Leocricia
June 12th León Saint León III papa
July 17th León Saint León IV papa
March 1st León Saint León Lucas
March 1st León Saint León of Vasconia
August 20th Leovigildo Saint Leovigildo of Córdoba
March 8th Litifredo Saint Litifredo
March 2nd Lucas Saint Lucas Casali of Nicosia
March 26th Ludgero Saint Ludgero
September 21st Maura Saint Maura of Troyes
January 21st Meinrado Saint Meinrado
October 5th Meinulfo Saint Meinulfo of Paderborn
June 14th Metodio Saint Metodio of Constantinopla
May 23rd Miguel Saint Miguel of Sinada
April 3rd Nicetas Saint Nicetas of Medicio
February 4th Nicolás Saint Nicolás Estudita
November 13th Nicolás Saint Nicolás I papa
October 22nd Nunilona Saint Nunilona of Huesca
June 12th Odulfo Saint Odulfo of Utrecht
March 11th Oengo Saint Oengo Cúldeo
July 20th Pablo Saint Pablo of Córdoba
March 7th Pablo Saint Pablo of Prusa
April 26th Pascasio Saint Pascasio Radberto
February 11th Pascual Saint Pascual I, papa
January 11th Paulino Saint Paulino of Aquileya
April 4th Platón Saint Platón of Constantinopla
September 19th Pomposa Saint Pomposa of Córdoba
April 6th Prudencio Saint Prudencio Galindo
February 4th Rabano Saint Rabano “Mauro”
June 21st Radulfo Saint Radulfo of Bourges
June 11th Remberto Saint Remberto of Bremen
September 18th Ricarda Saint Ricarda of Andlau
June 25th Salomón Saint Salomón of Bretaña
March 24th Severo Saint Severo of Catania
October 13th Simberto Saint Simberto of Augsburgo
May 10th Solangia Saint Solangia
July 2nd Swithun Saint Suituno of Winchester
February 18th Tarasio Saint Tarasio
May 1st Teodardo Saint Teodardo
July 25th Teodomiro Saint Teodomiro of Córdoba
November 11th Teodoro Saint Teodoro el Estudita
November 11th Teodoro Saint Teodoro Estudita
March 12th Teófanes Saint Teófanes Cronista
March 8th Teofilacto Saint Teofilacto
February 1st Urso Saint Urso
April 20th Vihón Saint Vihón of frisia
June 1st Vistano Saint Vistano
May 15th Witesindo Saint Witesindo of Córdoba
June 16th Cecardo Blessed Cecardo of Carrara
January 17th Gamalberto Blessed Gamelbert
July 16th Irmengardis Blessed Irmengarde of Frauenwörth
October 3rd Otto Blessed Otto of Metten
June 5th Sancho Blessed Sancho of Córdoba