Saints of the 22 of april
Saint Soter Pope
In Rome, saint Soter, Pope, of which [saint Dionisius of Corinth] praises his egregious charity towards the brothers and foreign needy and oppressed by the need or condemned to the mines.
- Saint Acépsimas
- Saint Agapetus I papa
- Saint Aitala
- Saint Bicor
- Saint Caius Pope
- Saint Chrysotelus
- Saint Epipodius of Lyon and companions
- Saint Helimenas
- Saint León of Sens
- Saint Leónidas of Alejandría
- Saint Maryahb
- Saint Miles
- Saint Oportuna
- Saint Parmenio
- Saint Senorina
- Saint Teodoro of Siceone
- Blessed Francesco Venimbeni
- Saint María Virgen, Madre of la Compañía of Jesús