Saints of the 16 of september
Saint Cyprian Bishop
Memory of the Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, martyrs, about whom September 14 relates the burial of the first and the second passion. Together are celebrated in this commemoration by the Christian world, because both testified, in the days of persecution, their love for the unfailing truth before God and the world (252, 258).
Saint Cornelius Pope
In Rome, in via Apia, in the crypt of Lucina of the cemetery of Callixtus, burial of St. Cornelius, Pope and martyr, who was severely opposed to the excision of Novaciano and, with great spirit of charity, recovered full communion with the Church to many Christians fallen in heresy. At the end he suffered exile at Civitavecchia, in Tuscany, by the Gallic Emperor, suffering the unspeakable in the words of Saint Cyprian. His memory is celebrated day after tomorrow.
Saint John Macías
In Lima, in the Peru, saint John Macías, religious Dominican, who devoted much time to humble offices, attended diligently to poor and sick and assiduously prayed the Rosary for the souls of the deceased.
- Saint Abundius and companions
- Saint Edita
- Saint Eufemia of Calcedonia
- Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
- Saint Martín el Sacerdote
- Saint Niniano of Galloway
- Saint Prisco of Nocera of los Paganos
- Saint Vital of Savigny
- Blessed Ludovic German
- Blessed Victor III pope