Saints of the day december 2

Saint Bibiana (s. III)

We don't have dates of the life, but there is a documented devotion to this Saint of a Basilica in Rome in the pontificate of Pope Simplicius (468-473). it could perhaps be at the end of the 3rd century, with a full delivery and who gave her life to God, dying in the martyrdom, as well as his parents and his sister. Tradition and the iconography represent her martyrdom by flogging, being tied to a column.

Celebrate today: Bibi, Bibiana.

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Saint Adria
Saint Aurelia
Saint Martana
Saint Nono
Blessed Oderisio
Saint Seguro
Blessed Maria Angela Astorch (s. XVII)
Saint Habacuc

Commemoration of St. Habakkuk, Prophet, who, before the wickedness and violence from men, announced the judgment of God, but also their mercy, saying: the righteous will live by his faith.

Saint Constantine abbot
Saint Pimenio (s. IV)

In Rome, in the cemetery of Ponciano, in via Portuense, saint Pimenio, was presbyter and martyr in the century III/IV.

Blessed Ivan Slezyuk (s. XX)
Saint Silverio papa (s. VI)

On the island of Palmaria, in Italy, transit of saint Silverio, Pope and martyr, who, not wanting to rehabilitate Antimo, heretical bishop of Constantinople, deposed by his predecessor saint Agapito, by order of Empress Theodora was deprived of its headquarters and sent into exile, where he died worn by the suffering.

Blessed John of Ruysbroeck (s. XIV)
Blessed Rafael (Melchior) Chylinski (s. XVIII)
Saint Anselm monk