Saints of the 1 of july
Saint Aaron
Saint Aaron, priest of the Mosaic law, 1471 b.c. brother of Moses.
Saint Ester or Esther
Biblical character: Queen of Persia and intercessor of the Jewish people, who she saved from extermination. Foreshadowing of the Virgin Mary as aid of the people of God.
- Saint Aarón of Carlon
- Saint Carileph of Anille
- Saint Domitian of Bebron
- Saint Eparchius of Angouleme
- Saint Golveno of León
- Saint Martín of Vienne
- Saint Oliverio Plunkett
- Saint Teodorico of Mont-d'Or
- Saint Zhang Huailu
- Blessed Ignatius Falzon
- Blessed John Nepomucen Chrzan
- Blessed Thomas Maxfield