Aug 13

Saint Hippolytus martyr

August 13th III century

Hippolytus was a Roman soldier of the 3rd century, who was assigned to guarding Christian prisoners. Developed by them the faith, he suffered martyrdom by attending the burial of others martyred.
Hipólito (Masculino)
People named Hipólito use to celebrate 27-Feb:
Saint Hipólito
Other saints
Other saints named Hipólito
in Roma, in current Italy
August 13th
Holy Martyrs Pope Pontian and Hippolytus, priest, were deported together to Sardinia, and with equal conviction, ornate, apparently with the same Crown, were finally transferred to Rome, Hippolytus, to the cemetery of the via Tiburtina, and the Pope Pontian, to the cemetery of Callixt (c. 236). Roman martyrology