Aug 13

Saint Gertrudis of Altenberg

August 13th XIII century Abadesa

In the Altenberg monastery, in the region of Wetzlar, Germany, blessed Gertrude, Abbess of the Premonstratensian order, who, still a child, was offered to God by his mother [saint Isabel], Queen of Hungary, in this place.
Gertrudis (Femenino)
People named Gertrudis use to celebrate 16-Nov:
Saint Gertrudis Magna
Other saints
Other saints named Gertrudis
in Altenberg, in current Germany
August 13th
In the Altenberg monastery, in the region of Wetzlar, Germany, blessed Gertrude, Abbess of the Premonstratensian order, who, still a child, was offered to God by his mother St. Elisabeth, Queen of Hungary, in this place. Roman martyrology