Oct 23

Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga

October 23rd XX century

Alberto (Masculino)
People named Alberto use to celebrate 15-Nov:
Saint Albert the Great
Other saints
Other saints named Alberto
January 22nd 1901 en Viña del Mar, in current Chile
August 18th 1952 in Santiago de Chile, in current Chile
October 23rd
de la Compañía de Jesús
In Santiago, Chile, is a leading figure in the Catholic Church in Chile. Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga was born in Viña del Mar, on 22 January 1901. On August 14, 1923 he entered the society of Jesus in Chillán, ordained a priest on August 24, 1933 in Leuven, he returned to Chile in 1936. Teacher, writer and spiritual director, devoted himself with zeal to the poor, promoted the trade unionism of Christian inspiration and awoke in the Lord on August 18, 1952. Roman martyrology