- Name
- Cristino (Masculino)
- Other saints
- Other saints named Cristino
- Secular name
- Miguel Roca Huguet
- Born
- January 6th 1899 en Molins de Rey, Barcelona, in current Spain
- Dead
- September 1st 1936 in Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, in current Spain
- Celebration
- September 1st
- Religious
- de la Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios
In Madrid, Spain, blessed Cristino (Miguel) Roca Huguet, presbyter, and eleven companions, martyrs, of the order of Saint John of God, shot during the war by hatred of religion. Their names are: Blessed Proceso (Joaquin) Ruiz Cascales, Euthymius (Nicolas) Aramendía García, Canuto (Jose) Franco Gómez, César (William) Rubio Alonso, Cesario (Mariano) Nino Perez, Benjamin (Alexander) Cobos Celada, Carmelo (Isidoro) Gil Arano, Cosme (Simon) Brun Arara, Cecilio (Enrique) López López, Rufino (Crescencio) Lasheras Aizcorbe and Faustino (Antonio) Villanueva as, religious. Roman martyrology