Sep 28

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz and companions

September 28th XVII century

Saints Lorenzo of Manila Ruiz and fifteen companions martyrs, priests, religious and laity, spreaders of the Christian faith in the Philippines, Formosa and other Japanese islands, by the Decree of the Supreme Chief of the Japan, Tokugawa Yemitsu, on different days suffered in Nagasaki martyrdom for Christ's sake, but celebrated in unique commemoration (1633-1637). Their names are: saints Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia, Jacobo Kyuhei Gorobioye Tomonaga, Antonio González, Miguel de Aozaraza, Guillermo Courtet, Vicente Shiwozuka, Lucas Alfonso Gorda, (Jacinto) Jordan Ansalone and Tomás Hioji Rokuzayemon Nishi, priests of the Dominican order; Francis Shoyemon, Michael Kurobioye and Mathew Kohioye, relegious of the same Order; Magdalene of Nagasaki, virgin of the Third Order of Saint Augustine; Marina of Omura, virgin of the Dominican Third Order; Lazarus of Kyoto, secular. Roman martyrology