Aug 01

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

August 1st XVIII century

Alfonso María (Masculino)
Guerrero, from Germánico
September 27th 1696 en Nápoles, in current Italy
August 1st 1787 in Nápoles, in current Italy
August 1st
de la Congregación del Santísimo Redentor
Picture of Saint Alphonsus Liguori Fuente:
Memory of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, distinguished by the zeal of soul, by his writings, by his word and example, worked tirelessly preaching and writing books, especially on moral theology, of which he is considered to be master, for promoting the Christian life in the village. Among great difficulties, he founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, to evangelize the illiterate people. Elected Bishop of Saint Agatha of the Goths, he surrendered so uniquely to this mission, which he would leave fifteen years later, suffering from serious diseases, and spent the rest of his life in Nocera de'Pagani, in Campania, accepting big challenges. Roman martyrology