Santos beatificados por Blessed Pius IX

List of saints
Celebration Name Saint
October 9th Juan Saint John Leonardi
May 26th Mariana Saint Marianne de Jesús de Paredes
September 9th Pedro Saint Peter Claver
August 1st Pedro Saint Peter Fabro
September 2nd Bartolomé Blessed Bartolome Gutierrez
May 16th Andrew Saint Andrew Bobola
June 15th Germana Saint Germana Cousin
June 2nd Guido Saint Guido of Acqui
November 26th Juan Saint Juan Berchmans
June 3rd Juan Saint Juan Grande
February 4th Juan Saint Juan of Brito
December 26th Bentivolio Blessed Bentivolio of Bonis
June 11th Esteban Blessed Stefano Bandelli
August 27th Francisco Blessed Francis of Saint Mary and companions
July 25th Juan Blessed John Soreth
March 28th Juana Blessed Jeanne Marie de Maille
August 19th Luis Blessed Luis Flores and companions